The Multi Academy Trust (MAT) Board of Yavneh College Academy Trust is currently considering revisions to the admission arrangements for entry into Yavneh Primary School (the “School”) in September 2024.
As determined by the School Admissions Code and The School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012 we are required to consult with you.
The proposed changes to our admissions arrangements are to the Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP) form, which is used to demonstrate eligibility for a priority faith place in our school. The proposed changes are:
- You must now collect 6 points (instead of 4 points) to fulfil the requirements of CRP.
- Yavneh Primary School is a Modern Orthodox school that nurtures a love of Jewish life and learning and is committed to developing students/pupils who have first-class Jewish knowledge and skills and a sense of pride and commitment to our communities.
- We ask those seeking a place in our school to demonstrate their commitment to our ethos and values. This increase in requirement from 4 points to 6 points is a reasonable adjustment and reflects this aspiration.
- You can now collect synagogue attendance points on Friday night or Shabbat morning services for eligible dates (on only one service per Shabbat, but not points for both services on the same Shabbat), providing more opportunity to attend synagogue, including on Friday night where synagogues have put in place provision for recording CRP points.
- Online synagogue services have been removed from the form, but placed in an emergency box at the bottom, which can only be used with the authorisation of the Chief Rabbi, in the event of a national emergency, which prohibits in-person synagogue attendance.
- The online CRP Judaism course is now the Tribe CRP Judaism Course, which runs in-person at a number of synagogues.
The elements of our arrangements that are not changing are:
- All other elements of the CRP form are not changing, including the sections on Jewish education and volunteering.
- Our Published Admission Number remains 60.
- All other elements of our published admissions arrangements, including our Admissions Policy and Supplementary Information form, remain the same.
Please find attached a copy of our full admissions arrangements, including the Admissions Policy, Supplementary Information Form and the revised Certificate of Religious Practice form.
Please complete the Yavneh Primary Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP) which must be submitted to Mrs L Foreman Please do not supply the hard copy, please scan the CRP to