At YPS we take into account any special educational needs or disability a child may have in order to make reasonable adjustments and/or additional provisions or support within the school to meet the child’s requirements as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (2015). We seek to identify any special educational needs at an early stage so we can provide appropriate support for each individual child. We are an inclusive school and strive to meet the needs of all the children, enabling them to achieve their full potential at all times. Please click the link below to our SEN Policy which outlines additional information.
The SEND Department consists of an experienced full time SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) who is a nationally qualified SENDCo and teacher who is supported by Class teachers and classroom Teaching Assistants. All classroom staff receive ongoing professional development training from the SENDCo and external specialists to enable continuous development for all pupils across a broad range of need.